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Green Farm Food

Full event catering for private parties and weddings to festival style catering.

Welcome to Green Farm Food, a subsidiary of Green Farm Events. We place emphasis on the traditional values of service and quality of food. Our aim is to provide the best possible food at a sensible cost. We take enormous pride in our work and in preparing you the freshest and tastiest festival style food.

The food was absolutly incredible and our guests are still raving about it now. The team was lovely and came all the way to Cornwall for us. Thank you for all your advice, all your help, your impeccable team & the amazing food!!!
— Emily Harley

From small gatherings to full wedding breakfasts our spit roasts offer immense variety as well as a focal point. 

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It’s feel good! It’s theatre! It’s insanely great flavours!

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What our customers say

Just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for the fantastic spread you put on. We knew from the outset that the catering was in safe hands.
— Sam & Vic Morris, wedding reception
The Green Farm Food team